Pablo Segarra Chias

Spanish painter Pablo Segarra Chias, was born in 1945 in Seville, a city impoverished and devastated by the recent Spanish civil war, Pablo lived in the Macarena District in the heart of the city.

At the tender age of 7yrs Chias completed his first oil on canvas painting.
His father would let him use a chair, outside the local tavern, as an easel and it was from here he sold his first painting for 10p encouraging him to start and go on with painting as a more vocational commitment.

Local craftsmen taught him to use oil, turpentine, varnish and a mixture of them, from time to time supplying him with brushes, canvases and oil paints, marveled at his natural abilities at such a young age. At 13, Pablo got a job at a local cemetery, retouching photographs of the dead before restoring the headstones. At 18 he entered the Academy of Fine Arts in Seville, founded in 1660 by the great master Murillo.

He sold his own work as a side line to tourists visiting the area. With this new income he would be able at the age of 18 to attend the Academy of Fine Arts of Seville, founded in 1660 by the great old master Murillo.
Spanish Artist Pablo Segarra Chias Painting
Spanish Artist Pablo Segarra Chias Painting
He learnt techniques and gained knowledge in the subject to apply to his own style and find his true love of classical art.
This new knowledge of artistic culture was hugely influenced by artists such as Murillo, Zurbaran, Garcia Ramos, Gonsalo Bilbao and Gomez Gil.
After completing his formal training he traveled to northern Africa, namely Morocco, where he was absorbed by the customs of their people and inspired by their mystery and exoticism.
Chias’ paints new compositions, delights in the colours, clothing and forms. His work captures the suggestion of beauty whilst always leaving space for imagination and mystery. Chias’ subject makes him one of the best living oriental painters of the western world.

View Pablo Segarra Chias Painting