Igor Dubovoy

Igor Dubovoy Painting - Russian Artist

Igor Dubovoy Painting - Russian Artist
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Igor Dubovoy Painting - Russian Artist

I was born in 1972, Moscow, still living and working there. I’ve been fond of drawing since childhood. I have no special education in Art, but it does not prevent me from loving art. I draw for my own pleasure. I like travelling and most subjects of my works are usually taken from the trips. A great number of my paintings have scattered around the world and settled in private collections in England, America, Australia and Europe.

For my works I use special watercolor paper of leading European manufacturers, such as Saunders Waterford, Lana, Arches, Fabriano. The brands are arranged in order of priority.

What’s the difference between this and common paper? It is made of 100% cotton and has a high density (300 grams / meter), which makes it more like a dense and thin cardboard. Paper does not warp from water, absorbs paint well, guarantees durability of paints, does not get yellowy with time. The only disadvantages of the paper is being high-priced, but the watercolour made on such paper serves no less time than the work made in oil on the canvas.

In my opinion the attitude to watercolor painting, has immensely changed recently. People prefer watercolors rather than oil painting. Classical design of watercolors is a frame, a passe-partout and glass. Glass additionally protects watercolor from ultraviolet and other external factors such as dust and moisture. Though, even being decorated under the glass pictures are necessary to be kept away from direct sunlight like any other pictures, no matter what materials they are mase of.

As a rule, the framing workshops will help you choose the appropriate framework and Passepartout (decorative colored cardboard, is matched the general colour tone of the paintings, but more often just universally neutral white). Sometimes the frame and Passepartout are chosen to suit the colour spectrum of the interior, where the picture is to be put. I would recommend to refuse antiglare glass as its mat structure tones down the brightness of the paints. Surely, the choice is yours.


Igor Dubovoy Painting - Russian Artist
Igor Dubovoy Painting – Russian Artist

2015. Russian art week 2 place in the international competition of classical painting in the category of genre painting.
2015. Watercolor-2015. The annual exhibition under the auspices of IWS RUSSIA
2016. International exhibition of contemporary Italian art
Italia Art 2016 Moscow-Winner of the contest”My Italy”
2016. Finalist of the competition of fine arts “Golden turtle”.
The 2016 exhibition at the gallery ART EXPERTISE Florence, Italy
2017 international watercolor exhibition in FABRIANO, ITALY
2017 international exhibition of watercolors under the auspices of IWS Tirana, Albania.
2017 Indias First International Online Art Competition&Exhibition Top15
2018 international watercolor exhibition in FABRIANO, ITALY
2018 International Art Festival Nur Keldetti Astana Kazakhstan.
2018 Art Life international Art Festival Moscow
2018 Exhibition in Museum of Russian Art. NY. USA
2019 1 InternationalWatercolor Grand Masters Exhibition IWS Moscow
2019 Exhibition in Museum of Russian Art. NY. USA
2020 Watercolour Art Exhibition at Coquelles France 18-26 april

Igor Dubovoy website