These praying mantises enjoyed a moment in front of photographer Hasan Baglar’s camera lens showing off their best moves. The praying mantis is so named for its prayer-like stance, but these two seem just as comfortable doing the YMCA.
The pair struck the pose on a twig – raising their limbs in a ‘Y’ formation in perfect sync. Although we’d all like to believe the creatures are recreating the chorus of the Village People’s hit song YMCA, photographer Hasan Baglar has a more likely explanation.

View Hasan Baglar Photography
‘I think it was afraid of me because it looked nervous and I have heard this is the normal behaviour of a praying mantis when it’s afraid,” he told The Metro. ‘Even though I know that I still couldn’t help but laugh. It was a photo opportunity not to be missed. I think I’m lucky to have been in the right place at the right time.’