Anatoliy Kalugin was born in 1959. He lives in Moscow, Russia. Anatoliy graduated from Moscow Architectural Institute and started to work as an artist. Then he became interested in the computer processing of photos in order to get sketches of the future pictures. The outcomes of the processing were attractiveness and integrity. His nickname – Waatson – once, spontaneously chosen username to register on the Internet, became pseudonym for all his works.
The artistic poetry in your work is very interesting, tell us something about it.
Oman is poetry by nature. Portrait of a woman is the major League in the painting. When in the hands is camera, and in mind is the design of the picture, comes a delightful event-a photo shoot. This activity is so amazing that it quickly becomes obsession.
A novice photographer quickly realizes that he does not know how to photograph. So I had to take paid master classes by of three the best photographers in Russia. Comparing these masters I realized that between them there is nothing in common. The mechanical method is absolutely individual. It cannot be copied, only theoretical reflections can be assimilated. Individuality is formed personal experience, books, music…quality depends on the overall level of culture. I noticed that successful shots are obtained by accident, despite my best efforts.

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My poetry-Belief in Miracle, hope on successful shoot, hope that in the process processing will be formed an unexpected Image.