Yuehua He Chinese American Painter Oil Painting WooArts.com
Member of Portrait Society of America, Member of Allied Artists of America, Inc.,1997-2000 Curator of Beijing design Art Museum. Started painting when was a child. Worked as fine art designer for over 10 years. Portrait art work was selected for Art exhibition New York in 2009. Art work ” travel ” won the award for the advancement of American Art from Allied Artists of America in 2010.
Art work “daughter” was selected for exhibition of Art Renewal Center in 2011. Advisor of ACOPAL ( America China Painting Artists League ), organize the exhibition of Contemporary A Mercian Realism” with Beijing World Art Museum in 2012.
Yuehua was born in 1959 in Beijing, China. Yuehua’s mother was an art teacher and she taught him how to draw. He participated in art activities in school. His dream was to enter the Academy of Fine Arts. However, at that time, students were not allowed to go to college unless they were chosen by someone in the government.
After high school Yuehua went to the army. In the army, there were not many opportunities to draw, but when the chance arose he drew what he saw in his surroundings. Four years later, Yuehua left the army and entered the cinema and drafted movie posters. Each movie poster was 2 meters x 7 meters long, and it usually took one to two days to finish painting. During this time Yuehua was admitted to the Central Academy of Arts and Design Night University (renamed the Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts).
The Secretary to the Minister of Electronics Industry invited Yuehua to work professionally. He worked in the State Council and the NPC Standing Committee from 1982 until 1987, after which he worked as the curator of the Beijing Museum of Art and Design. Yuehua worked there until 2000 when he immigrated to the United States to become a full-time painter.
Tell us a bit about how you first started painting.
I first started painting fifty years ago, when I was six, and I remember my first painting was the “sun”. The circle wasn’t even round, and around it I drew lines for the rays of sunshine. When my mother helped me and made a few changes to the painting, suddenly, I felt “wow! this looks just like the sun!” Since then, I have been interested in painting. My mother was in a school of arts education and there were a lot of works there; I would often look around and observe the paintings.
Did you have any stops and starts in your painting career?
When I was fifteen years old I began to learn oil painting. I studied professional graphic design at a University in China. For ten years, I did exhibition design. Then, I settled in New York in 2000, and for many years, taught children how to paint at my art school. Then in 2008, I started oil painting again.
What mediums and genres have you experimented with?
I studied Rembrandt ‘Ingres and Sargent’s painting method; I recreated a lot of their work.
Which ones have “stuck” and which ones have fallen away?
Prior to joining DPW, my paintings were large in size. Now, I find a small painting is more challenging to make in a very short time with a few strokes showing rich attributes.
Which ones are you looking forward to exploring?
In DPW, there are a large number of excellent works I appreciate and learn from. I try a variety of performance methods, and I look forward to engaging realism and abstract exploration.
Who or what inspires you most?
Sargent’s painting method is the most exciting me.
What does procrastination look like for you?
Because of my age, I cannot waste time.
What techniques work to ensure that you make time for your art?
I am now a full-time painter. At this point in my life, I have the freedom to paint all day. I sometimes have social activities and interaction, but in most cases I am a very dedicated artist. It has become a passion; I can not imagine not painting.
How do you generally arrive at ideas for your paintings?
Before painting, I will consider: What is the theme of this painting? What do I want to express? Then I consider painting forms, such as: style, and color.
How do you keep art “fresh?” What techniques have helped you avoid burnout and keep your work vibrant and engaging?
I think you cannot overthink a painting too much, have too many goals, ask for too much or spend too long on a painting. It is better to have a painting with a set size, target, and completion time.
What do you feel you are learning about right now as an artist?
I feel that a piece of work is a comprehensive portrayal of the artist’s life, culture, art, language, and I’m trying to paint as much as I can.
What makes you happiest about your art?
It makes me the happiest when people like my work. Also, when works of art convey an idea and communicate with people.
Thanks, Yuehua!
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