My fascination with the human figure for its timeless sensitivity is reflected in my latest works. In my paintings I try not only just to replicate a scene, but to create the mood and feelings. Sometime when I feel it, I incorporate abstract fragments in a composition. I start with a drawing. When I’m satisfied with the composition, I begin to apply paint in bold strokes with a palette knife. My knife strokes are deliberate, strong and well placed.
The goal is to be precise and minimal to create work that is striking and yet simple. The painting becomes almost 3D sculpting. I take away what is not important but concentrate on proportions and light.
Stunning seascapes by Victor Bauer that take you right back to the beach
Written by Katy Cowan 14.03.2016
The fresh, energising sea air. The taste of salt on my lips. My hair wildly blowing in the breeze and refusing to stay put. Sand beneath my feet. A pleasing warmth. The urge to take a deep breath every five minutes and make noises of deep appreciation, feeling so pleased to be alive.
This, is how any one of us must surely feel when we’re confronted with a beach. And when one considers the stunning Seascapes series by New York-based Canadian artist Victor Bauer, all of these satisfying sights, smells and feelings instantly spring to mind. If you’re not browsing through Victor’s work and already making calculations in your head when you can next take a trip to the seaside, then I’d be very surprised.
Completely self-taught, he’s a palette knife painter, working mainly with oils. Speaking of his work, he said: “My earlier works were mostly abstracts and during these years I developed my own style and technique. My fascination with the human figure for its timeless sensitivity reflected in my latest works. In my paintings I try not only just to replicate a scene, but to create the mood and feelings. The goal is to create a work that is striking and simple.”

View Victor Bauer Paintings