Justyna Kopania Gallery


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Justyna Kopania

Paintings! I am a painter. Art is my asylum, life, poetry, music, the best cigar, tasty strong tea, and everything. My Art reflects the world I perceive with all my senses, people I meet and love, nature I admire, and all the things that affect the way I am.

The Man is my main inspiration and this Man is the principal topic of my project. I am focusing on Their psyche, attitudes, as well as their appearance, manners and all the complex processes that take place, both outside and inside the Man. I cannot imagine existing without my art, my paintings, and my inspirations – it is, and will be, an intrinsic part of my life.

I prefer oil painting on huge canvases. People from all around Europe find themselves in my works and are impressed with the sincerity and truth expressed through them. Sometime in my studio, I paint for several hours a day. This is typical painting. Easel, oil, structural. Paintings are “fleshy.”

Paint requires both painting, as well as brushes – and I do not regret the paint. Paintings are painted this way – creates a kind of reliefs. Paintings are painted in a sort of style, original. Inspired by certain passages of what I see, and it stay in my memory.

Paintings are entirely painted by hand. I always try to give the climate the moment that stuck in my memory.

“Colours of Life” exhibition in Mr Bauman’s gallery at the New Theatre in Warsaw – Poland

The collection of poems ‘Conversations with my God’ – now being edited and prepared for publication – Poland

The collection of oil paintings “Carmen”.
These paintings are theatrical, exaggerated to show emotions, feelings, thoughts … this is the “art for art”. “Carmen” is the first paintings that I painted. My “Carmen” I painted G.Bizet while listening to opera “Carmen”, music from the film by Carlos Saura’s “Carmen” and while listening to tangos by Astor Piazzolla, so the music for this movie is Tango by Astor Piazzolla.The main inspiration for me is a man – a very broad sense. And it is “The Man” – is the main theme of my paintings. Both the interior of Human… His psyche belief as well – the look face… – The word -everything that can happen to both the inside out how soul, body…10 years ago created my “Carmen” this is something completely different, clear, simple also difficult – necessitating “viewers” to think…to reflect on the meaning of life, where the man seeks what is…, what it feels …. These are the paintings big, the largest has dimensions 200 cm x 150 cm… Series of oil paintings “Carmen” was inspired by G. Bizet opera “Carmen” and the film of Carlos Saura’s “Carmen”.To my “Carmen” wrote a script (also writing.) – The whole is a kind of “spectacle” – painting combined with prose and poetry.

The collection of oil paintings “Masks” inspired by Venetian theatre and carnival.

The collection of oil paintings “Inspirations”

The collection of oil paintings ‘Kazimierz Dolny on the Vistula’
The collection of marine paintings “The Land of Reminiscences” “Nostalgy”
The collection of oil paintings “The Roses of the Little Prince” inspired by Antoine De Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince”
The collection of oil paintings “The Moon”

The book ‘Case’ – is in working progress.

The official opening of my atelier “The Studio Under the Moon”

“ArtIreland” – November – exhibition in Dublin – Ireland

2009 – 2010
‘Terrible Pictures’ – a series of drawings made ​​on paper all the things that we can …

Exhibition of oil paintings in Zwartowo, Gdansk in Poland

Series of oil paintings, ‘Variations’

“Angels” – a series of oil paintings depicting angels
“Preludes” – a series of oil paintings
“Horses” – a series of oil paintings
“Justyna Kopania named Artist Become’s July Artist of the Month ”
“Artist Become Releases First Annual Top 10 Contemporary Art List
“Night” by Polish artist Justyna Kopania named Artist Become’s most popular work of art in 2012.
Written by Amitai Sasson on January 4, 2013”

Series of oil paintings “New York”
Series of seascapes oil paintings” Sea”
Series of oil paintings ” Variations 2013″
Series of marine oil paintings “Boats”
Artist of the Month – June 2014.
Gallery Alfam LLC represents me for several years in the U.S.
“Artist Become Releases Top 10 Contemporary Artists of 2013
According to Artist Become, the Polish artist Justyna Kopania was the most popular contemporary artist in 2013.
Written by Amitai Sasson on December 23, 2013”
“… Kopania is one of the 1500 artists showcasing their art on Artist Become. Of those artists, 800 were new to the online art community in 2013. With roughly 35,000 original pieces on display on Artist Become, 8,500 works which were uploaded during 2013, there were a lot of artistsup for consideration for inclusion in the Top 10 list. ..”

Series of seascapes oil paintings” Sea 2014″
Series of oil paintings ” Variations 2014″
Series of marine oil paintings “Boats 2014”

“…Top 10 Contemporary Artists List for 2014. Leading the pack for the second year straight is Polish artist, Justyna Kopania…”

” Top Ten Contemporary Artist for 2014 Released by Artist Become. Artist Become releases its Top 10 Contemporary Artist List to showcase which artists and their respective styles were the hippest and most desirable on the Market in 2014.
Written by Shannon Yrizarry on December 16, 2014
The online art gallery, Artist Become ( ArtistBe.com ) has just released it’s Top 10 Contemporary Artists List for 2014. Leading the pack for the second year straight is Polish artist, Justyna Kopania with Belgium artist Pol Ledent holding second place two years in a row as well. Artist Become is an online artist community that showcases original art of both established and emerging artists around the world…
…Kopania is one of the 2500 artists showcasing their art on Artist Become. Of those artists, 1200 were new to the online art community in 2014. With roughly 48,500 original pieces on display on Artist Become, 13,500 works which were uploaded during 2014, there were a lot of artists up for consideration for inclusion in the Top 10 list…”


“Brooding Seascapes and Marine Vessels Painted by Justyna Kopania by Christopher Jobson on February 23, 2015″


” Justyna Kopania’s paintings of seascapes and sailing ships — in beautiful and peaceful scenes By Nelson Kamdon on March 4, 2015″


Series of seascapes oil paintings” Sea 2015″

Series of oil paintings “Self-Portrait with blackmailers…”

Series of oil paintings “Sea – Reminiscence ”

Series of oil paintings “Preludes of Chopin”

Interview – IL Pickwick -” ART 3.0: AutoRiTratto di Justyna Kopania Scritto da Catia Giaccherini ”

“Desideravo intervistare Justyna Kopania già da qualche mese; seguivo la sua pagina, le sue pubblicazioni e un giorno ho provato a contattarla. Per mesi non ho ricevuto risposta. Un giorno le ho scritto un solo puntino in privato questa volta sul suo profilo Facebook. Passano poche ore e ricevo una risposta. Le scrivo quindi che vorrei intervistarla per la rivista Il Pickwick e le chiedo se posso porle alcune domande. Lei accetta con generosità e scrive, scrive e quasi mi travolge con questa volontà che sembra bucare la rete, con questa potenza che si manifesta non solo nelle sue opere ma nel suo modo di essere. E mentre leggo le sue risposte e tento di dar loro la stessa forza con cui le metabolizzo, mi sento come chi sta intervistando un’artista che resterà nella storia e sorrido della fortuna e della gioia che scrivere questo articolo mi procura. Di seguito l’intervista in italiano e in inglese.”



The collection of oil paintings “Boats 2016″
Series of oil paintings ” Sea 2016 ”
The collection of oil paintings “Inspirations”
The collection of oil paintings “ Streets ”
Series of oil paintings ” Ballet 2016 ”
The collection of oil paintings “Landscapes”
The collection of oil paintings “Variations”
overstockArt.com Reveals Top 10 Art for Fall 2015
overstockArt.com, the popular online and mobile gallery of hand painted wall art, published its annual Top 10 list of most desired oil paintings for the fall season today. The list consists of the most sought after (and for the first time culturally relevant) artworks for the upcoming season…”

22 modern masterpiece oil
” European artists began to use oil paint in the XV century, and ever since it was created with the help of the most famous paintings of all time. But in the days of our high-tech oil still retains the charm and mystery as artists continue to invent new technology, tearing apart templates and pushing the boundaries of CONTEMPORARY art.
Website I have chosen works that delighted us and was forced to recall that fine can be produced in any era.
The winner of the incredible skill of the Polish artist Justin digging (Justyna Kopania) in their expressive work sweeping able to maintain the transparency of the fog, the ease of sail, gentle rocking of the ship on the waves.
Her paintings are striking in their depth, volume, saturation, and texture is such that from them it is impossible to look away…”


Series of seascapes oil paintings” Sea”
The collection of oil paintings “ Boats ”
“Horses” – series of oil paintings
The collection of oil paintings ” Rivers ”
The collection of oil paintings “Chopin”
Series of oil paintings ” Nocturnes ”
The collection of oil paintings ” Harbor ”
The collection of oil paintings ” Inspirations ”
The collection of oil paintings ” Paris ”
The collection of oil paintings ” New York ”
The collection of oil paintings ” Venice ”
The series of oil paintings ” Cats ”
The collection of oil paintings “ Mist ”

“Justyna Kopania is a modern Polish artist. Her paintings are very interesting in technique, they are very saturated with color, it creates the feeling that this is not a canvas but a whole sea of ​​colors, on the surface of which miraculously beautiful landscapes with forests, fields, cities, and caravels floating in graceful waves appeared.
According to the artist herself, Justina tries to convey the atmosphere in her works and not the realism of the landscape, and looking at her work, it is worth noting that she succeeds.”

My Art reflects the world I perceive with all mysenses; people I meet and love; nature I admire,and all the things that affect the way I am.The Man is my main inspiration and This Man is the principal topic of my project. I am focusing on Their psyche, attitudes, as well as Their appearance, manners and all the complex processes that take place both outside and inside the Man.”


“Interview: Textured Oil Paintings Express Complex Human Emotions and Ideas
Polish artist Justyna Kopania captures the fleeting nature of time in her expressive oil paintings. Inspired by moments that have “stuck” in her memory, the artist crafts emotive scenes using bold brushstrokes and eye-catching color palettes.

Kopania’s beautiful body of work features a wide range of subject matter, from sailing shipsand stormy seas to pianos and stage performers. Each textured painting exhibits Kopania’s profound fascination with freedom—a concept she strongly associates with the the ocean—and her interest in the “complex processes that take place both outside and inside” each human being.”


Exceptional Fine Art By Artist Justyna Kopania
Van Gogh. Renoir. Monet. Klimt. overstockArt.com sells thousands of fine art oil reproductions of these masters’ paintings each year. But there’s one artist who outsells them all by a landslide … contemporary artist Justyna Kopania of Warszawa, Poland…”

“Полска художничка “спира” времето
Юстина Копаня не познава табута в творчеството си

Полската художничка Юстина Копаня (Justyna Kopania) е истинско предизвикателство за познавачите на стилове и техники в изобразителното изкуство.

В работите й има толкова много сюжети, такива ярки контрасти на цветове и техники, че с право може да се каже, че тя е един “особен” автор, който не познава никакви табута в рисуването.”

“Les peintures texturées de Justyna Kopania
Justyna Kopania est une artiste polonaise qui réalise des peintures texturés dans un style particulier mèlant impressionnisme et expressionnisme.
Des toiles de scènes et de paysages qui reflètent la liberté d’un manière très poétique.
A découvrir dans une interview sur my modern met ici.”

Series of oil paintings ” Furia”

22 meters, 58 centimeters – total length of paintings. . The average height – 2 meters. More than 60 kg of oil paint… 13 oil paintings. Over 2,100 GB of recorded video material. 4 months of work. Series of oil paintings “Furia” 2018.

I will crate a “big” movie with all the paintings of the series “Furia”.
The film will be about the strength of women, paintings are about the strength of women also, about the fight … It will be 2 parts of the movie. Part 1 – about women – we will start
making the movie in a few days, part 2 – it will concern the whole series. Then, September 2018, I will work on the next series of large paintings, which will be about the mythological gods along with the ship, “Chaos”. The series will be called “Chaos” and it will also feature large paintings. It will also be filmed, and “Furia” and “Chaos” will be created the unity.

Series of oil paintings ” Landscapes ”
Series of oil paintings ” Streets ”
Series of oil paintings ” Mist ”
Series of oil paintings ” Sea ”
Series of oil paintings ” Boats ”
Series of oil paintings ” Harbor ”
Series of oil paintings ” Rivers ”

“И снова Польша…
Гуляя с коляской по парку, так же «гуляю» по просторам инета. И наткнулась на интересного художника.

Польская художница Юстина Копанья создаёт невероятно насыщенные пейзажи. В её творчестве есть как обычные виды с лесами, полями, тихими тропинками, так и красивые маринистические пейзажи с грациозными каравеллами или целыми флотилиями кораблей. Её работы поражают глубиной и объёмом. Кажется, что в этих красках можно просто утонуть, настолько они захватывают и впечатляют. Главное для творчества польской художницы, как утверждает она сама — это передать атмосферу, а не реалистичность изображения. Именно атмосфера создаёт ощущение счастья и удовольствия, побуждает человека к размышлению и приятным воспоминаниям.

Polish Artist Justyna Kopania Painting
Polish Artist Justyna Kopania Painting

View Justyna Kopania Paintings


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