Cher Pruys was born in Regina. Over the years she lived in many places including Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Fort Frances, settling into her present home in Devlin, on the banks of the Rainy River with her husband Mark, 4 dogs and 2 cats.
By age three, Cher was seldom found without a drawing tool in hand. She worked in pencil, charcoal and ink over the years, until, she picked up a paintbrush at the age of 35. Beginning with oil paints, she found her chosen mediums in acrylic, water color and gouache.
Although self taught, her dedication and talent has seen her work juried into 178 International exhibits, as well as exhibits in numerous non juried shows. She has won 203 awards for her work in the International Juried Exhibits. Included in these awards, the first recipient of a major Canadian National Award, The Mary Pratt Crystal Award of Excellence at the 2014 SCA Open Juried Exhibition, The SCA 1st place award of distinction twice respectively, 2016, and 2017 at The Canada’s 150 show.
The SCA 2nd place Award of Distinction in the 2021 Elected Members Show. October 2021 Winner of The Exclusive Harmony of The Arts Contest by The Blue Blood Gallery in Prague. The Gold Medal recipient for Figurative Painting in The Mondial Art Academia’s International 2018 Competition. The Silver Medal for Portrait Painting in The 2020 International Art Professional World Art Acadamia Competition.
The Aviation Week & Space Technology Award Best of the Best, and the ASAA Award of Distinction for the best painting in the ASAA International Space & Technology Exhibit & Competition, consecutively for 2 years. In 2020 & 2021 she was awarded with the most wins in The American Art International Awards. She has had 14 solo exhibits.
Cher is also an avid fused glass artist, and a certified teacher of piano and guitar. Her painting “The Bubble” had the honour of being part of the Masterworks from The International Guild of Realism Tour. Her work has graced the covers of 3 books, 28 magazines, the latest being The Best Of Acrylic Fall 2021, and has-been featured in over 135 international publications. Cher’s works have found a permanent home in private and public collections worldwide.