Andrew Macara Gallery

Painting by Artist Andrew Macara

Painting by Artist Andrew Macara
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Painting by Artist Andrew Macara

Recently I began a completely new series of paintings. These may loosely be described as “Reflections”, as the paintings are based on studying the surfaces of water. The surfaces of both water and ice, offer a new way in which to observe the natural world.

These surfaces may also have debris, leaves, blossom and algae upon them – are we observing the reflections or looking directly at the objects? I have not wished to make this too obvious or certain. Also I have manoeuvred and pushed around the image in order to respect the two dimensions of the picture plane and hope to tread a fine line between the figurative and the abstract.

“I have known and admired the work of Andrew Macara for many years, both from his many one-man exhibitions and also his work so often seen in the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. Although he has painted many different subjects over the years, the subject is always incidental to light. His pictures glow and as with all the best paintings of light they
never describe, they are always an equivalent for light – the light comes from the canvas.

As well as being full of light they are also full of life. Whether it be life on the beach, in the playground, or in the zoo, he simplifies but always captures the essence of his subject, his work is full of movement, atmosphere and space. Andrew’s work is deservedly popular for he touches the everyday joy of life. His paintings celebrate life and show us a new way of seeing, this quality is that which underlies all true art.” KEN HOWARD. RA RWS RWA

“This artist has developed his own unique way, using colour, to describe perspective” WILLIAM GEAR, RA.

Andrew Macara studied contemporary modern British Art for a short period with Leonard Fuller at the St Ives School of Painting amongst the Cornwall Art Galleries but considers himself to be predominantly a self taught artist. He was elected in 1984 to the New English Art Club.
Andrew Macara today has one of the most distinctive styles of present day contemporary British Artists. He is now established as a very collectible contemporary figurative artist and over the years his paintings have proved to be a good British Art Investment.

Andrew Macara travels extensively gathering images for paintings from around the world, but his native Derbyshire continues to feature in many paintings – particularly the Winter scenes. Other subjects with strong demand are Andrew’s British seaside paintings. Recently he has been exploring a new subject matter of reflections, involving a more abstracted painting style.

List of awards below in addition to work selected.

  • 2014 – Nottingham Open Exhibition (two paintings as shown above)
  • 2008 – The Worshipful Company of Painter Stainers’ Prize.
  • 2007 – Won the ‘People’s Vote’ for their favourite painting in the 25th Derby Open Exhibition
  • 1994 – Lord Palumbo’s Choice at Discerning Eye Art Exhibition
  • 1986 – Brian Sewell’s Critic’s Choice at N.E.A.C.
  • 1985 – Davis Slade Medal at R.A.
  • 1985 – De Laszlo Medal at R.B.A.
  • 1983 – Bernard Dunstan’s choice at Royal Academy Exhibition
  • 1973 – Honorary Mention at Paris Salon

Andrew Macara was born in Ashbourne, Derbyshire in 1944, where he continues to live and work. Although he studied for a brief period with Leonard Fuller at the St Ives School of Painting he considers himself to be a predominantly self taught artist. In 1984 he was elected to the New English Art Club, and his work is held in prestigious public, private, and corporate collections including those of Sir Anthony and Lady Bamford, Lloyds TSB, the Hilton Hotel Group, and the New Parliamentary Building, Westminster. He travels extensively, gathering materials for his joyful landscape scenes worldwide.

The artist considers himself mainly self-taught, apart from a brief spell studying with Leonard Fuller at the St Ives School of Painting.

He has exhibited at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, and also the Royal Society of British Artists and the New English Art Club. Recent exhibitions include 2003 Solo Exhibition,

  • The New Academy Gallery, London 2002
  • The New Academy Gallery, London ’91,’94,’96,’98
  • The New Academy Gallery, London ’91,’96,’99
  • Fosse Gallery, The Square, Stow-on-the-Wold ’92,’95,’97
  • Contemporary Fine Art, 31 High Street, Eton 1999
  • Thomson’s Gallery, 18 Dover Street, London 1992
  • Derby Museum and Art Gallery 1994
  • Lucy Simmonds Fine Paintings, ‘Leading British Artist’
  • City Hall, Hong Kong
  • W H Pattersons, 19 Albemarle Street,

London – New English Art Club mixed exhibitions International Art Fair, Olympia, 20th Century Art Fair, Bath Contemporary Art Fair, Unicorn Pictures Limited Selected Commissions Derby Chamber of Commerce – Royal Opening, Derby Assembly Rooms St John’s Ambulance Commissioning Service at Derby Cathedral Scott Bader Company, paintings of Laboratories, Northampton Sir Anthony & Lady Bamford, paintings of Heron Bay, Barbados New Parliamentary Building, Westminster – six paintings of the Party Conference towns Emscote Lawn, Warwick – painting of the School Hilton Hotel Group – painting for Headquarters Awards selected by Anish Kapoor, Nottingham Open Bernard Dunstan RA, Royal Academy Summer Exhibition Sir Huw Weldon, Royal Academy Summer Exhibition Brian Sewell, Art Critic Giles Auty, Art Critic Lord Palumbo’s choice at Discerning Eye Exhibition

I have known and admired his work for many years.Although he has painted many different subjects over the years, the subject is always incidental to light. His paintings glow and as with all the best paintings of light they never describe, they are always an equivalent for light – the light comes from the canvas. As well as being full of light his paintings are also full of life. Whether it be life on the beach, in the playground, or in the zoo, Andrew simplifies but always captures the essence of his subject, his work is full of movement, atmosphere and space. His paintings are deservedly popular for he touches the everyday joy of life

– Professor Ken Howard OBE RA

2019 Andrew Macara: New Paintings, Solo exhibition, Jonathan
Cooper, London
2018 Exhibited in group show Jonathan Cooper: 30 Years, Jonathan
Cooper, London
Exhibited at BADA, Antique & Fine Art Fair, London
2016 Open Studios & Artisan Fair, Banks Mill Studios, Derby
New English Art Club, Mall Galleries, London – mixed show
2015 Prize-winner and Exhibitor, Nottingham Open Exhibition,
Nottingham Castle
2014 Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Eton – one man show
2013 Tarpey Gallery, Castle Donington, Derbyshire – one man show
Curwen Gallery, London – one man show
Island Fine Arts, Isle of Wight – one man show
2012 Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Eton – one man show
Red Rag Gallery, Stow-on-the-Wold – one man show
2010 Curwen Gallery, London – one-man show
Red Rag Gallery, Stow-on-the Wold – one-man show
Tregoning Contemporary, Derby
Thompsons Gallery, London
Thompsons Gallery, Aldeburgh
Ridgeway Gallery, Bakewell
Duffield Gallery, Derbyshire
2009 Royal Society of British Artists
Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Eton
Thompsons Gallery, Aldeburgh
2008 The Tregoning Gallery – one-man show
Royal Society of British Artists
Thompsons Gallery, Aldeburgh
New English Art Club
Curwen and New Academy Gallery, London
2007 Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Eton
Royal Academy of Arts, London
New English Art Club, London
Thompsons Gallery, Aldeburgh
2006 The Tregoning Gallery – one-man show
Royal Society of British Artists
Red Rag Gallery, Stow on the Wold
2005 The Tregoning Gallery, Derby – one-man show
Royal Society of British Artists
New English Art Club
Curwen and New Academy Gallery – one-man show
2004 Royal Society of British Artists
Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Eton – one-man show
New English Art Club
2003 New Academy Gallery
Royal Society of British Artists
N.E.A.C. at the Bankside Gallery
N.E.A.C. at W.H. Patterson’s Gallery
New English Art Club
St. John Street Gallery, Ashbourne, Derbyshire
2002 Fosse Gallery, Stow-on-the-Wold – one-man show
Royal Society of British Artists
New English Art Club
2001 New English Art Club
Royal Society of British Artists
Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Eton – one-man show
2000 New Academy Gallery – one-man show
Royal Society of British Artists
New English Art Club
1999 Thompson’s Gallery, Dover Street, London – One-man show
Fosse Gallery, Stow-on-the-Wold – one-man show
New English Art Club
1998 New Academy Gallery – one-man show
New English Art Club
The Ashbourne Gallery, Ashbourne, Derbyshire – one-man show
1997 Royal Society of British Artists
Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Eton – one-man show
New English Art Club
1996 New Academy Gallery – one-man show
N.E.A.C. 2000 at the Fine Art Society
Royal Academy of Arts
Fosse Gallery, Stow-on-the-Wold – one-man show
Royal Society of British Artists
N.E.A.C. at W.H. Patterson’s Gallery
Jonleigh Gallery – one-man show
New English Art Club
1995 Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Eton – one-man show
Royal Society of British Artists
New English Art Club
1994 New Academy Gallery – one-man show
Royal Academy of Arts
N.E.A.C. at W.H. Patterson’s Gallery
Royal Society of British Artists
New English Art Club
1993 Derby Playhouse
N.E.A.C. at W.H. Patterson’s Gallery
New Academy Gallery – Mixed exhibition
Royal Society of British Artists
Emscote Lawn School – one-man show
1992 Royal Society of British Artists
Royal Society of Arts
N.E.A.C. at W.H. Patterson’s Gallery
New English Art Club
Derby Museum and Art Gallery – one-man show
Contemporary Fine Art Gallery, Eton – one-man show
1991 Royal Society of British Artists
Fosse Gallery – One-man show
New Academy Gallery – one-man show
New English Art Club
1990 N.E.A.C. at W.H. Patterson’s Gallery
Royal Society of British Artists
Discerning Eye Exhibition
New English Art Club
Hunting Group Exhibition
1989 N.E.A.C. at W.H. Patterson’s Gallery
N.E.A.C. at the Alpine Gallery
Royal Society of British Artists
Gallery 10, Grosvenor Street, London – one-man show
New English Art Club
1988 Loughborough College of Art and Design
Derby Sketching Club at St. Michael’s Gallery
Salisbury Playhouse – one man show
N.E.A.C. at W.H. Patterson’s Gallery
N.E.A.C. at Alpine Gallery
Royal Society of British Artists
Fose Gallery, Stow-on-the-Wold – one-man show
New Academy Gallery, 34 Windmill Street, London – one-man
1987 R.B.A. at Yarrow Gallery, Oundle
Anthony Dawson exhibition at the Barbican, London
Royal Academy of Arts
Royal Society of British Artists
N.E.A.C. at the Alpine Gallery
N.E.A.C. at W.H. Patterson’s Gallery, Albemarle Street, London
Worthing Museum and Art Gallery – one man show
Derby Sketching Club Centenary Exhibition
Derby Museum & Art Gallery
New English Art Club
Hunting Group Exhibition
1986 Hunting Group Exhibition
Royal Society of British Artists
Bath Art Fair
New English Art Club
Gallery 10, Grosvenor Street, London – one-man show
Hunting Group Exhibition
1985 Royal Society of Arts
Ceri Roberts Exhibition, Cardiff
Royal Academy of Arts
Royal Society of British Artists
Derby Sketching Club
New English Art Club
The Upstairs Gallery, Royal Academy of Arts – One-man show
Nottingham Castle Exhibition
Spirit of London Exhibition
1984 Royal Academy of Arts
Royal Society of British Artists
Hunting Group Art Awards
St. Michael’s Gallery, Derby
New English Art Club
Nottingham Castle Exhibition
1983 Royal Academy of Arts
British Painting Exhibition (Mall Galleries, London)
Royal Society of British Artists
Derby Sketching Club
New English Art Club
Nottingham Castle Exhibition
Duffield Art Gallery, Derbyshire
1982 Royal Academy of Arts
Royal Society of British Artists
St. Michael’s Gallery, Derby – one-man show
Spirit of London Competition
1981 Royal Academy of Arts
Royal Society of British Artists
Royal Society for Painters in Oil
Spirit of London Competition
1980 Royal Academy of Arts
1979 Royal Academy of Arts
Green Lane Gallery, Derby – one-man show
Derby Sketching Club
1978 Derby Sketching Club
Derby Museum & Art Gallery (Joint exhibition with Gordon
Nottingham Castle Exhibition
1977 Royal Academy of Arts
1976 Royal Society of Painters in Oil
1975 Paris Salon
Derbyshire Group of Artists – Mixed Exhibition
1974 Paris Salon
Royal Society of Portrait Painters
1973 Paris Salon (Mention Honourable)
Royal Society of Portrait Painter
2014 Nottingham Open Exhibition (two paintings as shown above)
2008 The Worshipful Company of Painter Stainers’ Prize.
2007 Won the ‘People’s Vote’ for their favourite painting in the 25th
Derby Open Exhibition
1994 Lord Palumbo’s Choice at Discerning Eye Art Exhibition
1986 Brian Sewell’s Critic’s Choice at N.E.A.C.
1985 Davis Slade Medal at R.A.
1983 Bernard Dunstan’s choice at Royal Academy Exhibition
1973 Honorary Mention at Paris Salon
Over time, many paintings by Andrew Macara have been printed in numerous
publications, prints and greetings cards.
2009 ‘Andrew Macara’. By Jonathan Riley
2008 ‘Express Yourself’. Philippa Parks, Tanja Vaillancourt, cara Webb.
Editions du Renouveau Pedagogique inc.
2003 ‘Sociology, Ninth edition’. John J. Macionis. Pearson Education.
2003 ‘The Complete Oil Painter’. Brian Gorst. Quarto Publishing.
2002 ‘Society – the basics’. John J Macionsi. Pearson Education.
2001 ‘The Artist’s Sketchbook’. Lucy Watson. North Light books.
1996 ‘How to capture movement in your paintings’. Julia Cassels.
Quarto Publishing.
1996 ‘How to paint water’. Patrick Seligman. Quarto Publishing.
1994 ‘Make your paintings look three-dimensional’. Brian Dunce.
Quarto Publishing.
1992 ‘Weather – how to see it, how to paint it’. Patricia Seligman.
Quarto Publishing.
1991 ‘Hands Faces and Figures’. Angela Gair. Quarto Publishing.
1988 ‘Light – how to see it, how to paint it’. Lucy Willis. Quarto
1987 ‘Tonal Painting – Discover the secrets of light, colour and form’.
Angela Gair. Quarto Publishing.



British Artist Andrew Macara Painting
British Artist Andrew Macara Painting

View Andrew Macara Paintings



via: jonathancooper
Jonathan Cooper
Artist Andrew Macara Website