Steve Hanks Facts

Artist Watercolor Painter Steve Hanks Facts in 10 bullets:

  • Steve Hanks was born on June 21, 1949, in San Diego, California, and he passed away on April 21, 2015.
  • He was renowned for his expertise in watercolor painting, with a focus on realistic and emotionally evocative portrayals of people.
  • Hanks started his artistic journey at an early age and received formal training at the Academy of Fine Arts in San Francisco.
  • His preferred subject matter often included scenes of everyday life, especially capturing the beauty and complexity of human relationships.
  • Steve Hanks’ watercolor paintings often showcased his masterful use of light and shadow, creating a sense of depth and realism in his artworks.
  • Throughout his career, Hanks received numerous awards and accolades for his contributions to the world of watercolor art.
  • His paintings have been featured in several prestigious galleries and exhibitions, gaining recognition both nationally and internationally.
  • Hanks published several books featuring his artwork, providing insights into his creative process and the inspiration behind his paintings.
  • Many art enthusiasts and collectors admire his ability to convey emotion and tell compelling stories through the medium of watercolors.
  • Steve Hanks’ legacy continues to influence and inspire aspiring watercolor artists, and his works remain highly sought after in the art market.


“In the delicate dance of watercolor, I find the whispers of emotion and the silent stories of the soul. Every stroke is a brushstroke of life, capturing the beauty that often goes unnoticed, but forever lingers in the heart.” – Steve Hanks

Steve Hanks - American Watercolor Painter
Steve Hanks – American Watercolor Painter


Painting by Steve Hanks
Painting by Steve Hanks


Painting by Steve Hanks
Painting by Steve Hanks


Painting by Steve Hanks
Painting by Steve Hanks


Painting by Steve Hanks
Painting by Steve Hanks


Painting by Steve Hanks
Painting by Steve Hanks