Lin Ching Che creates gorgeous watercolor paintings of urban landscapes which mesmerize the eye. Lin Ching Che 林經哲 is a Taiwanese painter. He was born in Taipei, Taiwan in 1987.
He received his first art education at the local elementary school, after that was high school, then the National University of the Arts, and National Taiwan Institute of Fine Arts. Currently, the artist is a member in several international associations of Watercolor artists. Over the last twelve years, Lin Ching Che regularly participates in all kinds of exhibitions.
Most of his paintings are urban landscapes and still life. Lin has become particularly adept at using shading and lighting effects to portray dazzling scenes of rainy nights. The way he makes the rain drops seem to dance off the pavement really adds a fantastic glow to the serene, beautiful paintings.
- M.F.A., Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University
- B.F.A., Taipei National University of the Arts
- Graduated from:
- Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University (Art Program for the talented)
- Taipei Jin Hua Junior High School (Art Program for the talented)
- Taipei Jian An Elementary School (Art Program for the talented)
- Member of the Taiwan International Watercolor Society
- Member of the Chinese Asia-Pacific Watercolor Association
- Juror of the International Art Competition (IWS International Watercolor Society), 2012
- Juror of the Taiwan National Sketching Competition of World Watercolor Competition and Exhibition, 2016
- Adjunct Lecturer of Department of Art and Creative Design, Hsuan Chuang University
林經哲 / Lin Ching-Che
國立臺灣師範大學美術系 碩士
國立臺北藝術大學美術系 學士
國立臺灣師大附中美術班 畢業
臺北市金華國中美術班 畢業
臺北市建安國小美術班 畢業
臺灣國際水彩畫協會 會員
中華亞太水彩藝術協會 正式會員
2012 IWS-International Watercolor Society國際藝術競賽 評審
2016 臺灣世界水彩大賽之全國寫生比賽 評審
2012 第5屆「亞洲華陽獎」水彩創作比賽 金獎
2012 「新北市美展」全國組水彩類 第二名
- 「全國美術展」水彩類 金牌獎
- 第16屆「大墩美展」水彩類 第一名
- 第16屆「大墩美展」 大墩獎
2009 第3屆「華陽獎」全國水彩創作比賽 銀牌獎
2008 第10屆「新莊美展」社會組水彩類 第二名
2006 第31屆「光華盃」全國青年寫生比賽 第二名
2003 第9屆「群生盃」全國青少年水彩寫生比賽 第一名
2002 文建會「歷史建築百景」全國寫生比賽 第一名
For more of his sublime watercolor paintings, visit his profile on facebook.