Irene lópez de Castro


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Irene López de Castro

Irene López de Castro , Madrid 1967. Irene Lopez de Castro’s paintings of Africa and India are the result of years of travel in the African Sahel and the North of India.

Irene López de Castro Painting
Irene López de Castro Painting

Irene´s unique style of painting suits perfectly the themes she chooses to transmit, life and landscapes of the places she has passed by. There is a kind of pilgrimage to her own unconsciousness, searching for her soul in the reflection of those of others. Her paintings reflect the world through her particular sense of light and color.

Irene López de Castro Painting
Irene López de Castro Painting

She feels attracted to places like India or Africa, because in those places she has found beauty in the simple and natural way of life, as it was for humanity before, something that the modern world has lost…life is better when we look for harmony between other human beings, between different ways of living or different religions, because in the end, we are all children of the same Creation… an infinity of Beauty remains in the different cultures around the world. That richness of human culture is the inspiration that makes Irene´s universe of creation.

Irene has dedicated some 15 individual exhibits in Europe ( Venice, Milan, Paris, London, Madrid ) and Korea to transmitting the beauty of those landscapes and the kindness of its people, extending in this manner, a bridge that through her art, brings us closer to a world full of light, color and limitless space.