Carla Raadsveld

by artist painter Carla Raadsveld

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This is a collection of great paintings by Carla Raadsveld. She was born in 1952 in Rotterdam, Holland and received an academy degree in Fine Art from Education Rotterdam Academy.

Carla Raadsveld is active artist since 1969 where she begun building her portfolio starting in 1970 as a scholarship Rotterdam Art Foundation for Italy. Then she continue her practices in 1972 in South Africa doing international scholarship for a two year stay.

The art journey continued:

1973-1987 international exhibitions.
1987 the start of a publishing and printing company.
over the years exhibiting at international trade fairs e.g.
Buchmesse Frankfurt, Ambiente Frankfurt, Art Expo New York, Galleria Londen, Lineart Belgium, Art Buyers Caravan Long Beach, Dallas, Atlanta, Cork Art Fair.
2001 moving to Ireland and concentrating on painting original canvases.
“I prep my canvases with a black “skin” which gives the work a very special structure”. The subjects vary over the years, but after a recent serious illness, the arrival of the new “silly cat” and some chickens, the feel good and tickled pink series got painted. I still regulary spend time in Holland and Belgium to visit new and existing clients. Carla said.

If you are interested in purchasing please send us your request from the side contact form.

To purchase Carla Raadsveld’s available painting below: