Amy Lind

Amy Lind received a BFA from the Savannah College of Art and Design (2006) and additional instruction from the Florence Academy of Art and the Bay Area Classical Artist Atelier. (b. 1983)

Her work has garnered many accolades, including honorable mentions in the prestigious Art Renewal Center’s International Salon and the Portrait Society of America’s Member’s Only Competition. In addition to being named Southwest Art magazine’s “Artist to Watch: the Editor’s Choice for Up-and-Coming Talent”, her paintings have graced the cover of top national publications American Art Collector and Art Calendar.

Lind’s paintings can also be found published in the New York Times Best-selling children’s book “Marcel the Shell With Shoes On: Things About Me”. Hailing from the Chicagoland area, Lind now calls Savannah, GA her home, and was aptly recognized as one of “100 Under 100 New Superstars of Southern Art” by The Oxford American magazine.

American Artist Amy Lind Painting
American Artist Amy Lind Painting

View Amy Lind Paintings

Her work is currently represented by Robert Lange Studios in Charleston, SC. On top of gallery work, she is sought out by many for her uncanny ability to capture the likeness and essence of those she paints while infusing each canvas with captivating qualities of light and color. Her work hangs in both public and private collections around the world.



Amy Lind Website

via: mymodernmet

via: southwestart