37 Paintings by Chinese Romantic Impressionist Artist Zhiwei Tu


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Zhiwei Tu

Zhiwei Tu (Romantic Impressionist Painter) was born in Northern Guangdong Province, China. As a child he worked his family’s land, herded sheep, and attended the village school. It was there that he became infatuated with painting and drawing. When he was in high school, a professional artist was sent to the village to paint a portrait of Mao Zedong.

For seven hours straight, Tu watched the artist work, and afterwards, he bought his own paints and painted his own portrait of Mao. When he showed it to the village officials a few days later, they decided to display his piece as it was far more impressive than the commissioned piece. By 1975 he had earned a BA from the Guangzhou Institute of Fine Arts in Canton, and became a teacher of art at the Teaching College of Shiao Gaun, China.

The Cultural Revolution in China forced the closing of all graduate programs until 1978, when the movement lost its energy. During the interruption of his studies, Tu traveled extensively throughout China studying Chinese history and culture, and producing hundreds of paintings. Later, these served as great sources of information and inspiration for much of his work.

Finally, in 1978, Tu entered a compitition for admission to the Gaungzhou Institute, won, and entered to earn his master’s degree. Staying there only three years, he moved on the become Professor of Fine Art at the Guangzhou Institute, and while teaching he earned his MFA in 1981. In 1987, Tu entered Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, to study both Art and English full-time.

During those three years, he drove all over the midwest and east coast to over twenty invitational shows in Minneapolis, Chicago, and Kansas. Ever since then, Tu has had numerous one-man shows all over the United States and throughout the Orient.


Tu Zhiwei was born in 1951 on the banks of the beautiful Weng River – Liuli Longchuan Village, Wengyuan County, Shaoguan, Guangdong Province. Tu Zhiwei has been diligent and eager to learn since childhood. He loves painting and painting. He has been fascinated by paintings and fainted in the studio. From 1970 to 1972, he worked as an art teacher at the County Cultural Center. From 1975 to 1978, he worked as a teacher at ShaoguanNormal School. In 1975, he graduated from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.

In 1981, he graduated from the GraduateSchool of the Oil Painting Department of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Artsand obtained a Master of Arts degree. He joined the Chinese Artists Association in 1985 and went to the United States to study in 1987. He obtained a master’s degree in fine arts and later settled in the United States.

Tu Zhiwei was included in the “Chinese Modern Artists Celebrity Dictionary” in 1992. Tu Zhiwei joined the National Oil Painters Association in 1993. He was awarded the Special Prize of the President of the Association in 1996 and was awarded the honorary membership of the Association in 1997. In 1998, he won the gold medal of the annual meeting of the Association. In 1999, he became a master member. From 2000 to now, he served as executive director and director of the art judges.

In 2002, he was awarded the grand prize of the masters of the 11th annual exhibition of the association. In the same year, he was elected as the vice chairman of the association. In 2004, he was elected as the chairman of the National Oil Painters Association. This is the first time in the history of the organization to be chaired by Chinese.
