Sergi Cadenas Gallery

Sergi Cadenas Painting

Sergi Cadenas Painting
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Sergi Cadenas Painting

Sergi Cadenas Reveals Two Portraits In One Painting – Kinetic Art

Sergi Cadenas is a Spanish Postwar & Contemporary artist who was born in 1972.

Born at Girona in 1972 to a family associated for generations with crafted ironwork, Cadenas is a vocational artist whose creativity follows his own self-taught premises.

Experimentation has afforded him a visual language of his own. In his recent oeuvre, three-dimensional oil paintings vary depending on the viewer’s perspective, introducing a kinetic, disturbingly suggestive dimension to our vision of reality.
His work has earned credible attention.


Sergi Cadenas was born in Girona in 1972. When he was 15 years old he started working in his father’s workshop, and just five years later he was running it. Cadenas’ artistic development has always been linked to the world of the artisan. He studied design and artistic ironmongery in the Gremi de Serrallers in Barcelona, and even though he is a skilled painter, he has never studied drawing and is entirely self-taught.

Nowadays, he is responsible for Ferros d’Art Cadenas, the family business, a well known company in Girona which has been around for almost three centuries. Since his predecessors moved there in the first half of the 19th century, the foundry has been an essential part of the cultural and architectural history of the city. Sergi’s great-grandfather, Nonito, worked with the architect Rafel Masó, and his wrought-iron work can be seen in more than one of Masó’s constructions.

Sergi has continued the family trade, and he is now a recognized artisan who is specialised in forging techniques. He also works and collaborates with different architects from Girona.

For family tradition, he dedicates to the artistic forge, work that combines with his great passion, artist painter, to which he has arrived in a totally self-taught way. The desire to experiment and discover new ways of creating, have led him to paint three-dimensional works on oil, which depending from which angle you look at, the image changes. Currently he is focused in portraits of large format made with this difficult execution technique and with great precision. The results are so brilliant and spectacular that do not leave anyone indifferent.




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Spanish Artist Sergi Cadenas Painting
Spanish Artist Sergi Cadenas Painting

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