Ronald Stephen Riddick

Western Masterpiece Oil Paintings – American Artist

Ronald Stephen Riddick realized he was destined to be an artist at an early age, and his family and teachers encouraged his natural gifts and ability. As a child, he often sat and made drawings in a special spot next to his father, who was an art director for a large California company.

He studied art in college and received advanced training at the Art Center College of Design in Los Angeles, California. He escaped the avant-garde art trends of the 1960s and 1970s, choosing to focus on the fundamental disciplines of fine art. A formal education in classical training was not easily accessible then. That prompted Riddick to explore the traditional Russian school of art while he painted with Sergei Bongart, a gifted Russian artist, who lived the last years of his life in Los Angeles.

The legacy of master artists from bygone eras, especially those from the turn-of-the-century school of realism, became Riddick’s inspiration. On a trip to the Southwest, he became so enchanted with the color, light, people and culture of the region that by 1980, he moved to Tucson.

Wood River Fine Arts located in Ketchum, Idaho is proud to represent the work of R. S. Riddick, CAA We hope you will enjoy viewing Ron Riddick’s pieces on our website. If you have any questions you can contact us at Also, please visit us at 360 East Avenue, Unit #2 the next time you are in the Sun Valley area.

American Artist Painting by Artist R.S. Riddick
American Artist Painting by Artist R.S. Riddick

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