48 Selected Paintings By Spanish Artist Montserrat Gudiol


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Artist Montserrat Gudiol

Montserrat Gudiol born in Barcelona in 1933. She is the daughter of the architect and art historian Gudiol Ricart. In 1950, she studied restoration of old paintings and focuses specifically on painting on wood and paper. She sets out in Spain but also in South Africa, the United States, Russia and Canada. In 1981 she became the first woman admitted to the Real Academia Catalana of Fine Arts of San Jordi. In 1998 shereceived the Cross of St. George.

Formed together with her father, one of the most eminent Catalan teachers in the study of art and growing up in a family where art and music were a vital, necessary and daily element, Montserrat Gudiol has fought since its inception to find a personal and sincerísimo pictorial language that, voluntarily, shuns any style or any passing fad, because it knows that, in the matter of art, as in everything, there is no middle ground, what counts, above all, is only beauty And from this point of view, it is not risky to proclaim that the art of Montserrat Gudiol is timeless and beautiful, because it is true and sincere, because he only wants to express what the artist feels and because he expresses it with the mastery he has obtained with an intense struggle, with great effort,with a tireless tenacity.

The oils and the impeccable drawings of Montserrat Gudiol reveal to us, in addition the strong personality of a woman, her capacity for work and struggle, her infinite tenderness as a mother, but also the extreme problematic of the human being. Because, at the bottom of his creations, there are always deep, mysterious and at the same time disturbing silences, an emotional affection and also a certain anxiety, an unspeakable peace and a very human anguish. For this reason, the dialogue of their creations enriches us and makes us love them so much that we feel them so and so endearing. ”

Alexis Eudald SOLÀ
(from the presentation text of the exhibition in the Montcada Gallery, Barcelona 1999)

Montserrat Gudiol Website
