13 Selected Photographs By Egyptian Photographer Fares Herz


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Artist Fares Herz #wooarts

Photography has been my passion since a very long time, I taught myself and improved my talent over the time. I waited long to decide to share my work and visions, but the determination, dedication and persistence were the keys of my breaking through all obstacles, understanding and discovering myself. I hope you like this few selective photographs and I hope it meet everyone’s expectation.

I am developing my skills through learning from books, internet and other sources. I took the chance of knowing well known photographers from all over the world, and I am honored to show my work here. As for my family and friends, they gave me the full support, even sometimes they help me as models or assistants and of course they have the credit of helping me becoming what I am today.

Currently, I focus on five types of photography: wedding, modelling, landscapes, portraits & soon macro photography. I am planning to meet more professional artists in these two areas of expertise and I am trying to gain more experience and knowledge about these techniques.

Usually, people don’t believe that it is really my work and they are always surprised about how I managed to reach this level of professionalism at this age. My goal in photography is to be a member of “National Geographic”. I am asking everyone who follows my page (link below) to give an honest feedback. Definitely, that will help me to be at the best of myself, someday 🙂

Fares Herz Page
