Dražen Pavlović | Paintings

Dražen Pavlović 02

Dražen Pavlović 02
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Dražen Pavlović

Dražen Pavlović is a professional artist painter. He lives and works in Varazdin in Croatia (EU), where he has his art studio called “Atelier Pavlowich”. In artistic career, he has made 33 solo exhibitions and more than 170 group exhibitions in Croatia and abroad ( HUN, SVN, AUT, DEU, BiH, USA, MKD, SRB, CHE, GRC, more). He has attended more than hundred artistic workshops, art colony and symposium. He has received many awards as well.
Dražen Pavlović is a member of the Art Association Varazdin ( LUV Varazdin ) and Croatian Association of Artists ( HDLU Zagreb ). Recently, He begun to work together with artist Neuroscientist David Engstrøm on a new art movement called “The Metastabilian Movement”. The vision, concept, method and criticism of this art movement are based on an appreciation, respect and inspiration from theory called “Complementary Nature”.
You may find his more of his artworks on his profile: https://www.facebook.com/drazen.pavlovic1