In 2014, Mr. Chen-Wen Cheng become finalist of World Watercolor Competition (France) and Winner of Golden Prize for his masterpiece “Loving Mother”. Master Chen-Wen Cheng 程振文 was born in 1964 in Taiwan Ping Dong County. Mr. Chen-Wen Cheng received many prizes from Art Exhibitions in Taiwan during past years, which includes Tay-Yang Prize Winner, Tay-Yang Art Exhibition Winner, Chu Chien Prize Winner, Chu Chien Fine Art Exhibition First Prize etc. As a Member of Chinese Asia-Pacific Watercolor Association, Chen-Wen Cheng was invited for many art exhibitions. Some of his masterpieces become the collection of national Museums and Universities.
Realistic watercolor has enabled me to express my abundant emotions Chen-wen Cheng. – Cheng Chen-Wen
I feel like a dunce, but I didn’t take a pic of this artist’s name, and for the life of me I couldn’t remember it. Thanks to that wet canvas poster who shared it with me!! Cheng Chen-Wen’s quite famous, so I really ought to have known. This one was also very big (bigger than a standard full sheet, again), perhaps 4′ x 4′ or more. I was obviously drawn to these large pieces, as they were so impressive, but there were also quite small pieces as well.
Here’s a closeup of the eye. The literature said he was using some sort of traditional brush with tines (sort of like a comb??) for some of the work. You can see it here, when you get in close. Of course, this area around the eye was still something like 8″ square, so quite big. He’s obviously building value with it. He did the same thing for some of the very fine hair curling at the back of her head, which you can see in the second pic (pardon the reflections!)

View Cheng Chen-Wen Paintings
Then, just to show the astounding detail he accomplished, below is a small 6″ x 6″ closeup of her collar!! Crazy! Is it done just with some rough, textural brushwork? or some sort of very detailed stippling?? Considering the detail in the rest of the piece, I’m assuming it’s some sort of stippling or minute work, but I’m not sure.
I really liked this piece, but would never want to paint like this. It’s not me, but I can appreciate his skill. Wow!!!