17 Conceptual Photography by Egyptian Artist Ayman Lotfy


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Egyptian Photographer. Art Director for Alamia Advertising. Middle East Region Director PSA (Photography Society of America). Monitor of Fine Art photography PSA (Photography Society of America). Associateship AMIPP in Fine Art Photography From SWPP UK at Malta Institute of Professional Photography 2010.

Ayman Lotfy was born in Cairo, Egypt on the 30th of August 1968, After his graduation from the faculty of Arts in 1991, he had wasted no time and led his own road into artistic career. Ayman started his career route as a fashion designer. And with his mere devotion and passion to arts and designs, he successfully stepped forward to become a professional Art Director in 1996. In 1998, Ayman Lotfy launched his journey to the world of photography with the aim of enhancing his work as a designer.

Since then, Ayman did not leave the camera. His camera was the door to the new world of Modern Art Photography. Ayman Lotfy has a strong interest in people, human emotions and expressions.

With full realization of how hard a job it could be to capture a real photo, a photo that reveals a real expression, a one that can be believed by himself as an artist and can be easily delivered to his audience, Ayman’s creativity and persistence wouldn’t surrender before of the challenge.

His lens saw deeper into the human souls, and his mind realized the diversity of human feelings, and he was keen to unravel the mysteries of those emotions and reveal them to the audience. Ayman has transformed his photography work into Fine Art Photography. And to produce his masterpieces, Ayman has worked as a director to a scene, setting the mood with lighting, colors and music, yet leaving his characters to each write his own scenario with their feelings.


Ayman’s creative ambitions did not stop at combining fine art with photography. His determination to communicate more and more of his artistic visions to his audience moved him Into adding video art & Performance to his artistic tools, and integrate it with his photography work. With his work participating in many international exhibitions in Italy, Spain, Austria, Portugal, USA, Nepal & China, Ayman Lotfy has succeeded in congregating a good collection of international as well as local awards. 

The most recently of which was The Grand Photography Master Award China Contemporary International Photography Biennale 2008 , The Golden Medal of Excelance in Experimental Photography Austria 2010, Best Photography Award PhotoAsia Biennale 2010. PinHole Award china intertnational photography Biennale 2012.

What a beautiful sign just to follow, “stop, do not be a slave to your ego”. Once neglect and unconsciously obeyed, deprive from humanity shall be the grade. Just tend to the garden of purposes you own, keep the pride and have your aims grown.

“Embroider your life with good deeds; keep your buttons of traits as your weaving seeds. Wet them with humbleness and sacrifice, some love and smile will also be wise. Just then your world shall finally flourish, with a great success in your way to accomplish. And when it is the time to gain what you have done, beautiful harvest is your reward bun.” By Rim Salamouny
source: http://www.allotfy.com/
