51 Portrait Paintings by Antonio Fuertes | Spanish Painter

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Painting by Artist Antonio Fuertes

Fuertes [1940-1988] was a self-taught painter. He worked in a shop advertising, engaged on the facades of cinemas and theaters in Madrid. In his works often present with Oriental theme Arabic. He paints men and women in Moroccan landscapes or the Alhambra in Granada in the background.

His first exhibition was held in Toledo in 1982 and a year later participated in the same city, in a thematic exhibition at the Museum Sephardic Jewish.

From that year the paint is exposed Strong permanently in a London art gallery. These exposures allowed out beyond our borders, working for the Saudi royal family and making portraits of their monarchs. Since 1985 and through the Princess of Oman, Antonio Fuertes becomes the painter of the royal family of the Sultanate of Oman.