Angelika Privalikhina | Paintings


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Angelika Privalikhina at WOoArts

Angelica Privalihin was born in a small village called Uzlovaja in the Tula region of Russia. She attended the Special School for Gifted in Arts for children in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia. She was taught to see the beauty of the world, and to depict it not realistically, but through her own feelings and vision. When not with her family Angelica devotes all of her time to painting, participating in exhibitions in both Russia and abroad. Her works are held in the Art Museum of the city of Krasnoyarsk and Art Museum of Divnogorsk and other museums in Siberia and the Far East and in private collections in Russia, Israel, Germany, USA, China and now, UK.

Another version:
Angelica Privalihin was born in a small village called Uzlovaja in the Tula region of Russia. She attended the Special School for Gifted in Arts for children in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia. She was taught to see the beauty of the world, and to depict it not realistically, but through her own feelings and vision.

In 1990 Angelica graduated from the Art College in Krasnoyarsk. She taught and worked as an assistant curator at the local art museum. From 1995-2000 she created a course study for elementary schools called Art: the very beginning. The course was published by the State School Board as a monograph, and is used as a base for art studies at the elementary schools in Siberia.

Angelica has received multiple awards for her art. She has also received numerous commendations and awards for her input as a teacher of art from The Department of Culture of Krasnoyarsk, and Art & Culture Museum of Krasnoyarsk.

When not with her family Angelica devotes all of her time to painting, participating in exhibitions in both Russia and abroad. Her works are held in the Art Museum of the city of Krasnoyarsk and Art Museum of Divnogorsk and other museums in Siberia and the Far East. and in private collections in Russia, Israel, Germany, USA, China and the United Kingdom.

In 1990 he graduated from KCU im.V.I Surikova.Raboty located at the Art Museum of Krasnoyarsk, in private collections in Russia, USA, UK, France, Germany, China and New Zealand.
Angelika lives and works in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Member of the Union of ARTS of Russia since 2006
Member of International Association of ART
Association Internationale Des ARTS Plastiques-IAA AIAP Unesco
Angelica lives and works in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Member of the Russian Artists’ Union since 2006
Member of the International Association Des ARTS Plastiques-MAA AIAP Unesco


2016Sienna Fine Art Gallery, USA, FL
2016 Casanova Art Gallery, USA, FL
2015 Platinum Living Fine Art Gallery, USA, Noblesville
2015 Claremont Modern ART Gallery, Sevenoaks, UK
2014 Art Fair Liverpool, London, UK
2014 Aberdeen Art Fire, Scotland
2014 Hillier Art Gallery, Stratford, UK
2013 Hillier Art Gallery, Stratford, UK
2013 Chelsea ART FAIR, London, UK
2012 Hillier Art Gallery, Stratford, UK
2011 Claremont Modern ART Gallery, Sevenoaks, UK
2010 Claremont Modern ART Gallery, Sevenoaks, UK
2009 Lotton Gallery, Chicago, USA
2008 Hilligoss Gallery Chicago, USA
2008 Portland Classic Gallery, Portland, USA
2009 Trowbridge-Lewis Gallery, USA
2009 Du Soleil Art Gallery, Naples, Florida, USA
2008 Willow Gallery, Scottcdale, USA
2008 Horizon Fine Art Gallery, USA
2006 Du Soleil Art Gallery, Naples, Florida, USA
2006 New Century Art Gallery, Moscow
2005 Russian exhibition “60 Years of Victory”
2005 Artists of Siberia, Berlin
2004 Days of Siberia, Moscow.
2004 Russian exhibition “70 years of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Siberia
2004 Regional exhibition Krasnoyarsk, Siberia
2004 “Viola Gallery» Novosibirsk, Siberia
2004 Ermakovskaya Art Gallery, Siberia
2004 Artists of Divnogorsk, Krasnoyarsk, Siberia
2004 “Saiberian Vernisage”, Moscow.
2003 Regional exhibition, Krasnoyarsk, Siberia
2003 Zone exhibition, Krasnoyarsk-Irkutsk-Tomsk, Siberia
2003 Solo exhibition “Witnesses of Eternity”, Hingan Art Gallery, Siberia
2004 Solo exhibition “… and Dream and Reality ….” Shepelevich`s Art School.
2003 Regional exhibition, Krasnoyarsk, Siberia
2002 Regional exhibition of young artist, Divnogorsk.
2002 Solo exhibition Art salon “Diana”, Krasnoyarsk, Siberia
2002 Regional exhibition of young artists, Krasnoyarsk, Siberia
2002 Russia Exhibition of Young artists, Moscow.
2002 National Show “Faith without works is dead”, Academy of Fine Arts, Krasnoyrsk, Siberia
2002 Regional exhibition, Krasnoyarsk, Siberia
2002 Regional exhibition of young artists, Divnogorsk, Siberia
2002 Solo exhibition salon “Diana”, Krasnoyarsk.Siberia
2002 Regional exhibition of young artists
2001 Regional exhibition of young artists .Krasnoyarsk, Siberia
2001 Exhibition Artist of Divnogorsk, Siberia
2001 Exhibition “Siberian Vernisage”, Moscow.
2000 Exhibition of art school of teachers, Divnogorska. Surokov Art College.
1999 Exhibition Artists of Divnogorsk.Siberia
1999 Regional exhibition of young artists.Krasnoyarsk.Siberia
1999 Exhibition Artists of Divnogorsk, Days of Culture of Krasnoyarsk and Divnogorsk.
1998 Exhibition “City”, Divnogorsk, Siberia
1995 Solol exhibition, Art Museum, Strezevoy, Siberia

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